When it comes to choosing activities for my family, I want all the facts.
I want to know everything! From location, to cost to activity per hour to COVID-19 precautions. I want nothing held back. But I’m a Mum, so much depends on me making an informed choice when it comes to my family so I totally understand when a fellow Mum has lots and lots of questions to ask about Swim Africa’s Holiday Sports Camp.
So lets talk about it.
The campers are divided into groups of 8 according to age and ability (or by special request, a younger sibling can join an older camp group if required).
Each group has an assistant (this helper ensures masks are worn, hands are washed, the safety and care of the children. Much like a nanny), and a Coach.
The activities are arranged in a “round-robin”. One group will do tennis, while another group cycles.
The Sports Camp will be at Montessori Learning Centre, on Grevillea Grove, off Brookside Drive.
This camp will run from 12th July to 3rd September, 2021.
Due to a Private Function, we will NOT have camp Friday 20th August, 2021 and will remain closed for camp on gazette public holidays.
The camp is Half-day – between 8am and 1pm. Monday to Friday.
Swimming is included daily. All swimming is instructional. We allow a maximum of 8 swimmers per session. The pool deck and surrounding areas are disinfected using SANITAB every hour.
The pool is warm and we have taken the extra measure of providing a warm changing room near the office so that the little ones don’t get too cold after their swim lessons. A swim session is 30 minutes.
Campers are required to bring a towel, costume, goggles and swim caps. There is absolutely no sharing of equipment allowed.
Other activities include Cycling, Tennis, Soccer, Badminton, Athletics, Scooters, Horse-riding, Fun games.
We charge Kes 2,000 per day (all inclusive) or Kes 8,000 a week, That’s right! A free day when you book for a week. A week is 5 days.
We have a 10% discount offer for payments for 4 or more weeks and 10% discount offer for those with more than 4 children.
As part of the camp, we offer a snack at 10:30am, the children remain in their groups and are served in Picnic style. We offer, fresh popcorn, juice, hot chocolate, biscuits and a fruit.
The fruit can be either banana or watermelon. Water is available at all times.
Parents can pack an extra snack. However this is a nut-free zone. Due to the severity of nut allergies, we discourage any snacks with nuts.
We simply cannot live without these as they help regulate safety and health for all concerned from the campers to the Swim Africa staff to those waiting at home for the campers.
- If you or your child has been out of the country, please observe the 14day quarantine before sending your child to camp.
- If you child has the sniffles or is running a fever, keep them home and monitor them.
- Let us know if your child is unwell so we can monitor other campers and ourselves.
- Masks are mandatory and as much as it is not advised for sports, we still need to have them. The children will be well spaced out during activities.
- No electronics. Let’s keep these are home and use them after camp.
- No foul language will be allowed.